Friday, March 14, 2008

Miserable morning

Yesterday morning started as a normal happy morning. Pupul, my daughter was humming cheerfully while getting ready to leave for her board exam. she was comparatively very relaxed as it happened to be her strongest subject(English) that day. Husband left home at 8.30 in a hired taxi, as we had to use our car to drop her to her centre that is a mere 15 mins drive from our home. So after having settled Valley my pup comfortably, giving right instructions to my maid, we left for her exam centre at 8.45. We are continuously joking and laughing about little things on the way, like the poor chicks going to be consumed for dinner, chirping unmindful of their fatal future , like the newly wed village belle sitting shyly behind her hubby's bicycle and certain other funny things that catch our attention.आपने देखा होगा,लाल चटक साडी और गहरी ला्ली,सिन्दूर में लजाती हुई नव विवाहिता कैसा चित्र प्रस्तुत करती है.खैर अभी मुख्य मुद्दे पर ही लिख्ना उचित रहेगा. The traffic seems to be slower than usual but we are relaxed as we still have 45 min. to reach the centre,the gates close at 10 AM and it is still 9.15. Suddenly there is a massive traffic jam on the highway, and we have no other way to go . Traffic inches forward slowly, it is now 9.20 and though I m still joking, Pupul is becoming quieter.Now by 9.45 AM traffic comes to a standstill. The intersect at the highway is now a scene of total chaos,loud honking from the vehicles is almost deafening, drivers start losing all control on tempers and tongue, they use their most active organ i.e. their tongue to hurl out choicest abuses in hindi.किसी ब्लोग में पढा था,गालियां मादरेज़बान में ज़्यादा मज़ा देतीं हैं. अब बिटिया को कैसे समझाऊं?जो लोग यहां गालियां दे कर अपने मन की भढास निकाल रहे हैं, उनकी मां बहनें शायद सडकों पर नहीं निकलतीं.It is difficult not to avoid these mahashlokas getting into our tired ears.The range of vehicles jamming the road has a variety right from bicycles, tractors, cars, two wheelers and not to forget the buffalo carts known as buggis in our area. Now Pupul has started sobbing uncontrollably. I have never felt so helpless in all my life, my daughter is about to lose a year. लाचारी अपनी समूची ताकत लगा कर हमारी हिम्मत और धैर्य को चुनौती दे रही है.The driver has switched off the AC coz we r ruuning short of fuel too. सारी मुसीबतें एक साथ आ खडी हुई हैं. My driver Ravi, is a man of composure, he turns the car into a by lane somehow, and we meander in the long dusty lanes of Indirapuram.Finally we come to the highway but now it is already 10.10 Am, only 20 mins. for the paper to start.Again we face a jam due to nonfunctional trafic lights . I am seething with anger at the entire system. I call up Pupul's scool to inform the centre ,. Rakesh also searches out the centre's contact no. thanks to Internet and call them.We'll be allowed, they inform us . Finally we attack the gate at 10.45 AM, Pupul plunges into the gate and rushes inside without turning back. I keep on looking at her diminishing figure, then turn back sadly.Now I encounter several harried parents outside the centre, some of them have made their children run for 2 kms under the sun, abandoning their cars on the highway, adding to the chaos. Each one has a harrowing tale to narrate, I feel saddened at the state of affairs in a city like Delhi.
Who can I put the blame on? The ever increasing traffic, the indifference of traffic police, the insensitivity of people, lack of planning or myself? Perhaps I should have started at the first strike of sunlight.I hope no child has to suffer like this. I am amazed at the strength displayed by Pupul,who some how managed to finish the entire paper in 2hrs., though she is not satisfied with her performance. Anyway now I have sworn that I will avoid the highway for her forthcoming exams, even if it means venturing into narrow and crowded by lanes.आगे खुदा खैर करे.


दिनेशराय द्विवेदी said...

Its very good you told story of tensions of metro life. No one can narrate the mental status of Pupul eccept herself. The words not satisfied with her performance can not describe it. Readers may only imagin it.
Thanks for this share.

ghughutibasuti said...

a b'ful, heart rending narrative ! it's impossible to even imagine pupul's and your plight. now u can write abt it, but those one and a half hrs must have been the longest , most agonising hrs of ur life.
my good wishes to pupul for the remaining papers.

Deepakwrites said...

Somewhere i had read "Education imparts wisdom and wisdom imparts patience". Somehow all the metroes are defining it the other way. We have educated people but not wise.
Why do we always need law to control us, why cant we be systematic in our approach.
Worst is countless people die in ambulances every year in bangalore coz of traffic jams. Yet as they say.. only those who bear it know it.
Best of luck to pupul it just shows that you have an extremly brave and mature daughter. God bless her

mehek said...

what a heart poundering experience,i was feeling the tension of exam paper while reading,thro what hell ur lill angel must hv gone,glad atleast she could give the paper,which saved her one wishes for other papers and for forthcoming results to.lot luv mehek.

Nitin Bagla said...

I hope her exams are going on well.

Traffic situation is really miserable in Metros these days, but we cant blame anyone because we all are part of that system.

Best wishes....

Anita kumar said...

Ila very well narrated horrowing experience...These traffic jams are becoming a source of extreme tension in all metros and they are everyday affairs.
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your encouraging words..will be happy to see you on my hindi blog also, as I can see that you can read hindi...:) Plz give me your email id. I have to your blog for the first time but I can see some of my friends are also here, so it will be great to have you as a friend..

Ila's world, in and out said...

Dear Ghughutiji,Anitaji and Mehhekkji, it is indeed an honour to be complimented by u. Thank u very much for the support and gud wishes for Pupul.Ironically she is now down with measles at the moment, and her next exam is on 25th March . Please pray for her.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ilaji, I just read the post 'Miserable morning'. I really appreciate Pupul and hats off to her inner-strength. Kahte hein na bhagwan bhi usi ki sahayata karta hai jo khud apni sahayata karta hai. And as someone has said " If God brings you to it, he will get you through it." My best wishes always with her and all the best for her next exam.

Note: Well done dear Pupul!
